2012年5月18日 星期五

[DEV] Development topic for Dropad A8


Congratulate me. It turned out to compile the driver adapter USB-to-Serial pl2303.ko. The driver allows you to connect usb GPS device. In particular, I was able to connect this .

Throws driver on the device. Ideally, in / modules ( I have worked with the sd card )
Attached File  pl2303.zip (76.16K) 
Number of downloads: 186

enter the command in a terminal ( I entered through the adb)
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 ispeed 4800 && cat < /dev/ttyUSB0

Obtain data from satellites















how to take on and make the startup of the module I think will understand )

Retrieving data from satellites so far only through the terminal, probably need to take adroid gps api 

