Do note: This is to be used at your own risk & please read the readme.txt.
Since there are new ICS firmwares out for various Allwinner A10 Tablet, I'd make a script to cater for all A10 tablets.
Obviously, I do not have all A10 tablets, so there could be bugs. Also this is to be use at your own risk.
Download link
Here's what my script will do for Allwinner A10 tablet:
1. Enable full Android market access like Skype, Launcherpro which were missing from default market.
2. Google framework and apps added (like maps, voicesearch, etc. Location not working)
3. Some Wifi improvements. (May drain battery a little bit more)
4. Improve UI scrolling responsivesness.
5. Render UI with GPU.
6. JPEG quality adjusted to 100%.
7. Photo & video recording quality improved.
8. Added 4 essential free apps option.
9. Fool games this tablet is SGS2 so as to allows you to play.
Update 4th Jan 2012
10. Added option for 1024x768 tablet without SGS2 compatibility.
*If you want to do a batch apk installation just throw the apk files into apps folder.
*Flash will work with Opera browser.
Refer to readme.txt for more infos.
USB Driver/No Device Found Errors, try: